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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Impulse Treatment Center On the Radio Don Mathews, MFT and Joan Gold, MFT will be interviewed on the Internet Radio Show "Sex Addiction: Strength~Hope~Recovery with Carol the Coach" on Monday July 2nd at 6:15 pm PST and 9:15 pm EST. The topic of the show will be Impulse Treatment Center’s two free self-help workbooks: "Freedom From Sex Addiction" and "Freedom From Sex Addiction for Partners," designed to answer questions about sex addiction and provide a series of exercises to help addicts and partners alike move out of crisis and into recovery. The live broadcast will also allow Don and Joan to answer callers’ questions about the workbooks and other concerns. You can listen to the show live by logging onto www.blogtalkradio.com/sexhelpwithcarolthecoach and callers can have their questions answered by dialing (646) 595-3284 If you miss the July 2nd broadcast, you can also download it and other episodes of Carol the Coach's show by going to itunes and searching under podcasts: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sexual-addiction-strength/id512414211?mt=2&uo=4 Carol the Coach is a Certified Sexual Addictions Therapist whose show helps you access the books, the experts and the people who are managing recovery from Sex Addiction.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#1 reason for Relapse

The # 1 Reason for relapse n ALL addictions. Not using/having frequent accountability (honesty or truth telling about ones self) w/others. Recovery by yourself is not recovery anymore than a goldfish can clean out it's water bowl by itself.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Science has shown us quite clearly. Isolation, loneliness and little emotional support is as bad for us as heavy smoking*. If we don't have feedback and support our life satisfaction is diminished considerable along with life expectancy. To live life long and healthy.....WE NEED PEOPLE!!! We know that addiction and disease are made worse by isolation.

So what keeps us from more meaningful connections with others? Inertia, rejection, fear of conflict?.....what ever it is we need friends. We need those people who care about us and we them. It is risky. They can reject us and after all they aren't any more perfect than we are...sometimes less so. But that meaningful caring...both ways...that our lives become brighter.

Relationships, like a house, need regular maintenance. Make calls....check in....care. For your own good.